Saturday, November 5, 2011

Family Walking


No idea what is going on here. I think it's some kind of normalcy cult. These people rolled past me outside the Josh Ritter concert. They were not going to it, although I think they would have enjoyed.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Louis Enjoys His Coffee


New Transit/Thomas Paul/etc/etc/etc/et al drummer Louis Mcfarland enjoys his afternoon.


Ellen at the Edge dressed up for Halloween as her favorite graphic novel character. I really liked the Eye Of Horace.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

More Signs


Are these signs of the times, of excess population blow off? Of a society that has gotten too big to take care of itself? Too successful? Too much of a gulf between them, and us? Being poor in the USA means something entirely different.
This is the true exceptionalism that the politicians keep reassuring us with, our divine birthright, which comes down from the hand of god.
The SignFlyers are just engaging in an analog Kickstarter campaign, just to live. That is their project. And I don't begrudge them that, as long as they don't begrudge me the ability to ignore them.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Friday, September 30, 2011

hillfolk on the Modern patio

I overheard them on the way to my car, and circled back to have a Caldera IPA at the bar, and listen in for a few minutes. It was as glorious an evening as you had any right to expect, and even though I had just a few minutes to spare, they were well spent there on the patio, listening to my friends do their thing.
All was right, just for a few minutes.
Travis Ward and hillfolk noir

Monday, September 19, 2011


The Boise Hole is a lot of things. Eyesore? Maybe. Dwayne Carver told me he kind of likes the rusty forms poking up out of the hole.
Of course, the Hole is a monument to our present condition, as well as the recent past.
Failed credit lines, failed ideas, failed imagination.
The facade that is tacked up to conceal it. Even though the facade has interesting content sometimes.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Planter Lady.

AT AA5 . Watching her phone and not the band. It's what it all means.
She found her person and they met by the fountain. The cracks on her heels made me think about my girl, and the things that you get to know about another person in the course of your life together. There are so many mundane things to share. Like cracked skin and physical ailments. 
Perhaps you shouldn't.  The mystery of another person keeps the heartrate go up, the pulse to quicken. The early relationship times where things are new and exciting. 
It can't go on forever.
Can it?

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Grant And The Constellations

This map of the constellations that Grant Olsen sewed will be hung on a wall at Bar Gernika. Go over to the Basque Block and check it out.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Friday, September 2, 2011

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Wednesday AA5

The Alive After Five event is a big deal for downtown Boise. I was there killing time. Our store has a booth there, manned by Ryan and Shawn. Ownership was in full effect, having a beer or two. I missed Dan Costello's opening set, which was unfortunate, but after seeing Jesse at Graebers and getting my hairs cut, I needed to go back to work and get my overnight bag, because I was going to spend the night in the St. Al's Sleep Lab, AKA Hotel 43. I had two Anchor Steam beers from the bar outside the BRICKOVEN.
A lot of white dudes here digging the Duke. He has about 90 albums for sale over at our booth. The man name checks them from the stage, which is nice. But, no one buys them. Kind of a slow night, maybe 2500 people on the Grove. Maybe....but it was very comfortable. And, kind of unmemorable. Even though the band was good, and people were nice and enjoying it and all. But, it was hot, and the fountain was getting a lot of action, and my boy K Watts buys me an Abita IPA, which is pretty malty. But good. And it all gets blurry when I have to go and check into the lab. I get my room, go up and get dressed for bed, meet the sleep technician, put her off for awhile, notice that my phone is getting low on juice, so I get dressed and head back to work to get my phone charger. I take my time, take some pictures on the way there, and the way back. Get to the hotel and I can't find my key. I then retrace my steps all the way back to the store, take all of the contents out of my pockets, and find the room keys stuck to my phone. Priceless. I then walk back, take more pictures, slip up to my room.
Even though I tell the sleep technician I want to get to sleep between 2130 and 2230, she evidently disagrees, because she shows up at 2035, raring to go. So, off we go. It takes nearly an hour to put all the sensors on me, and fit the CPAP mask.Several times she tells me that she is anal retentive, and that is why everything has to be just so. She leaves me there to go back to the sleep monitoring center, where we go through some eye movement, jaw and leg movement, and fake snoring to make sure the equipment is all working. And off we go. It's kind of claustrophobic having a plastic apparatus sealed onto your face, and a couple of times I broke it loose to scratch my nose. It seems like I woke up about 5 times because something came loose and the tech had to come in and reattach it.
Soon it was 0600, and my phone alarm is going off. It truly bothers the tech, because she tells me a couple more times how anal retentive she is. But, we get all the wires off and I'm left with a form to fill out, and glue on my head. I fill out the form first before I take a shower, because I know the tech will not rest until she gets the form. Because she is so anal retentive. Then, I check in with home, take a shower, pack up my stuff, and go to breakfast at Goldys. And get to work early. It was odd to feel so refreshed after a nights sleep. I am afraid it will never be as good without the plastic mask ever again.
Welcome to my fifties.

Hot Water

The great thing about these branded cups of liquid:
They are all filled with hot water. Nobody knows why. I'm sure it came as quite a surprise, considering the fact that no tea bags were offered.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Brushton and Wendy

Brion has been in the majority of blog entries in this space, and while I like him, Wendy Fox really dresses up this space. She is dynamite. I see her all over the place taking video, pictures, dressing up, being cute.
The Brush is a total hotshot. I like him.

Helen Terry

Do you remember her? I think she was a minor league Alison Moyet, or maybe not. We didn't listen to the record, we just loved the makeup and hair.
And any time I get the opportunity to take a picture of Elise I will.
One of my favorites.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Danielle & Grant

Discussing OMD Albums
I consider it a privilege to witness the daily interactions between people in front of my counter.
Grant brought by his yard sale leftovers, Danielle came by to find out why I'm so surly about Cake. Grant got his dough, I had taken care of him before Danielle even showed up, so he was only there being Grant, discussing his jobs, his dogs, and his love for O.M.D. Danielle is one of the most relentlessly positive people this side of Steph Coyle, and a very accomplished professional woman. I really enjoy talking to her, because she totally knows what she is talking about. She doesn't buy into my fatalistic world view, and looks at me with the pity and amusement an essentially superior being can have for an underling, A curious creature such as myself. So we talked. About buildings, architecture, and how little I know about it.
Later on she left a note on my facebook wall saying that I was especially surly today. The only thing I can remember being surly about was having to go back to work, and end my conversation about brick cladding.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Alone Time

Former marketing director, now head of Idaho Live Concert Productions comes by the store with Calexico tickets, and Brion shares with her his suggestions for her weekend.

The Republican'ts

So, after playing the JFK memorial album, we came upon this gem from the '50's.
Featuring Eisenhower, Nixon, Rockefeller and Goldwater, and hosted by a curiously muted Reagan, this goes to show how tiresome Modern Republicanism is, and always has been.
Fair and balanced is all well and good, but you never believe a word these dullards say, even though these stanch bulwarks of Republican ideals never get the temperature above lukewarm.
What kind of branding and groundwork did it take to get a minor league B-movie actor, largely regarded as a lightweight and a joke, to the point where people seriously advocate putting his face on the dime, and carving him into Mt. Rushmore?
It's a convincing argument for the series of little lies, repeated ad nauseum, until they are accepted as truth theory, and defining the narrative.
The truth of the matter is that people will accept anything that allows them to feel comfortable, and not have to change.
It makes them vote against their self interest. Because what is in their interest? It's hard to tell here on the ground. It takes thought. And Americans are allergic to thinking.

Joe Picks Up The Trash, Is Rewarded

Joe found them both on the sidewalk, not in the gutter, not in the trash can, not warm. It never has anything to do with the bar next door.
You wonder what kind of process happens inside a body sustained by such things. It's probably not healthy, but, what is healthy?
Is it better to starve, or eat dirt and garbage?
Probably could stand to miss a meal or two. Or drink it out of a bottle.
Joe is a Vegan. He looks down with pity, from his throne of vegetable matter, on all us poor carnivores, consuming fear, feces, and blood.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Ask Not What You Can Do, Etc,

Played the JFK Memorial album from 1964 in the store today. This is the kind of stuff we do when presented with the opportunity to present ancient politicians in their heyday.
I was ready to tell anyone who asked that it was Mitt Romney, but no one asked. As a matter of fact, a couple who were walking by came in, listened for a minute, and quickly left.
Which is probably why Ownership objects whenever we play things like this.
I don't have the results handy, and I am too lazy to look them up, but, I don't think Kennedy did well here in the 1960 election. Call it a hunch. Idahoans make no distinction between Democrats and Socialists. The myth of the rugged individualist, making a stand against nature, varmints and liberals who want to take his land and money still holds sway here.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Friday Parade

It's not just me, I don't think. Things take on their own momentum, their own life. We are just part of the whole. I like seeing the parade.

Alan P. has been coming into the store since the nineties. He's obsessed with: David Gates and Bread, Bread, David Gates, The Kinks, Ray Davies, Dave Davies, Bread, The Kinks, and....Tish Hinojosa.

He called yesterday, when I was too busy to talk to him, and working the front alone, because Brion had work off the floor. He ordered something that was no longer in print, so we had to make an order from a private party to fill the order for him.

Today, he bursts into the store on a crowded Friday afternoon, blathering and blaring his special order orders at us. You can't really do justice to his thing in print, but he is a word linker, he can't modulate his voice anymore, and he sounds like a cartoon character. "HEHHEHHHEHHHEEE THAT HOMELAND, IGOTBUSINESS HEHEHEHHEHHHEHEHEH ANDI'M HERE ANYWAY, ANYWAY, HEEHEHEHHEHEHHEHEHEHE, IWONDERIFYOUGOTHEHEHEHEHHEHEH THAT IN? HOMELAND?"

That it comes at the worst time is a given. There are people and products everywhere. It's very chaotic, and there is plenty going on. Lot's of selling, lots of side stuff. Two huge CD buys. Phone calls. The damnable BODO cards. Ticket selling. I'm ok with all of it. It stretches my abilities to keep this all together, because by nature I am pretty scattered. It just is what it is. It happens. But most of the regulars have been in, all the crazy regulars that grab things from the free box by the door, the giveaway rack, and everything.


Where is he heading? Back to his life. The guy is what we refer to as a "recordstore legend" You get to know people, but on a very narrow basis, with only what they tell you about the details of their life to go on. And sometimes these people turn up in the news. Alan has been coming to our store as long as I have worked here. I remember when he brought his family along, and how "normal" they seemed. They also seemed pretty aggrieved to be there. And later, they got divorced. I think he is completely estranged from his family. And that could be sad, but you really never know about things like that. They could be complete assholes as well.