Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Republican'ts

So, after playing the JFK memorial album, we came upon this gem from the '50's.
Featuring Eisenhower, Nixon, Rockefeller and Goldwater, and hosted by a curiously muted Reagan, this goes to show how tiresome Modern Republicanism is, and always has been.
Fair and balanced is all well and good, but you never believe a word these dullards say, even though these stanch bulwarks of Republican ideals never get the temperature above lukewarm.
What kind of branding and groundwork did it take to get a minor league B-movie actor, largely regarded as a lightweight and a joke, to the point where people seriously advocate putting his face on the dime, and carving him into Mt. Rushmore?
It's a convincing argument for the series of little lies, repeated ad nauseum, until they are accepted as truth theory, and defining the narrative.
The truth of the matter is that people will accept anything that allows them to feel comfortable, and not have to change.
It makes them vote against their self interest. Because what is in their interest? It's hard to tell here on the ground. It takes thought. And Americans are allergic to thinking.

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