Friday, June 17, 2011

Ask Not What You Can Do, Etc,

Played the JFK Memorial album from 1964 in the store today. This is the kind of stuff we do when presented with the opportunity to present ancient politicians in their heyday.
I was ready to tell anyone who asked that it was Mitt Romney, but no one asked. As a matter of fact, a couple who were walking by came in, listened for a minute, and quickly left.
Which is probably why Ownership objects whenever we play things like this.
I don't have the results handy, and I am too lazy to look them up, but, I don't think Kennedy did well here in the 1960 election. Call it a hunch. Idahoans make no distinction between Democrats and Socialists. The myth of the rugged individualist, making a stand against nature, varmints and liberals who want to take his land and money still holds sway here.

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