Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Progress Is Made

I'm not the biggest developer booster in the world,  and have often recoiled with horror at the wholesale destruction of beloved older structures allowed to languish for years before being razed in the name of progress. But in this case, I'm ok. I won't miss the decaying warehouse that has been demolished to make room for a planned residential retail structure downtown. I am a big believer in downtowns. And, even though I wonder who is going to live in these apartments. Who can afford a 1/4 mil? 
An apartment close to the river? Close to the LIBRARY! , where those people like to go to wile away the days? 
I digress. It can't happen here. Can it? Gentrification? In the middle of nowhere? 
I never would have predicted that. I had hoped that the Meridian/Suburban project would have siphoned off the Californium contingent into a village they would feel comfortable in. Time will tell. 

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