Friday, October 26, 2012

Monday, August 13, 2012

Enigmatic Hitchcock

It survived all day. I saw when I arrived at the Hut in the AM, and it was there when I left in the PM. I'm amazed it lasted. It's only chalk on concrete. Many Idapowerz scuff by on their way to lunchtime. 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Brush and the Gnome Boys

Sometimes, you get plenty of help. In spite of your efforts to avoid it. You have no idea why. Are they interested, are they suspicious, or do they not have anything else to do? It's not like there is a waiting room for them to cool their heels in. Cooling your heels. That is a great antiquated piece of language for you. Like they tramped in out of the deep desert, with a pack of CD's slung over their backs, and came down to the water hole to do some tradin'. And there was tradin' done.
Business as usual. But with plenty of help to get us through the day.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

In The Blood


Alex is back into film. He shoots a lot of film. He comes by it naturally, his father used an inheritance to set up a photo developing lab when he was little, and it seeped into his blood. Here he is on a photo safari with a borrowed camera, because his Canon AE1 is in the shop getting refurbished.
The man is talented. Check out his photos on the hyperlink under the photo.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

He Hates Those Cans



Box sets, minus their boxes

You give the boss his due. He is the founder. He started this store the year you graduated from high school, the same year your oldest employee was making his way towards being born. So what if some of his directives are flat out nuts. What difference does it make? You get paid the same either way, but if the store goes broke, he doesn't get paid. You: can get another job.
Him: this is what he does.
So, if he wants to get those cans out of the store, you need to give it some consideration.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Signal Box Art by Erin Ruiz


Have some respect

AT the corner of 8th and Bannock, part of the traffic box beautification program, a great idea. Some moron, however, thinks that his stupid sticker would be just what is needed to take this box to another level. So he slaps it on. Some one will have to come take it off.
Some people are born to elevate the world, and some people are born to reduce the worlds level.
Do we really need both?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012



Joe is out looking at some records in the trunk of a guys car. That is a prefered method of dealing with the near constant bombardment of product we deal with on a daily basis.
You start to get a feeling, you read people, judge what they say about the records, and decide what the prospects are before you even see the records themselves.
Ideally, you make the decision over the phone. A few questions usually give illuminating answers, and create a mental picture. My mothers old vinyls=Readers Digest sets. A lot of classical = Vol. 1 of the Funk & Wagnels classical music collection (Beethoven)
The object is to keep this stuff from making it in the front door. Because once it makes it past the front door, it's usually left with us, and that is the problem. It increases the cost of everything. Nothing is free. Nothing. Every second that you spend thinking about a record, handling it, boxing it up, pushing it around, costs you money. Even on 99 cent records, even taking things out to the dumpster. Not all treasure is created equal.

Monday, January 16, 2012



I wonder if Lucy knows what high regard she is held in certain circles? In unexpected places? In hard to define ways?

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Rat Tales

This is an ever expanding tale, for our amusement and edification behind the counter. We are going to see how much stuff we can accumulate in this exercise before the OG comes and tears it down. We will laminate a poster with the leavings.